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update: fixed

Hi there,

I'm trying to merge multiple relations into one polygon area.

What i did:


  1. File->Download an object, choose the type "relation" and give the id, uncheck "Download referents" and check "Download members"
  2. remove all admin-centres
  3. remove all tags in the tags/members column
  4. removed all inner ways (with lasso tool/select tool)
  5. fix: copy-pasted all to a new layer (CMD-A, CMD-C, CMD-ALT-V)
  6. merged ways with (C) and preserve all ways
  7. Save as .osm
  8. Use script for generate the poly file : perl data.osm > data.poly

But then i get multiple polylines. How can i merge these relations?

Add. I based my actions on

Regards, Ed'

asked 10 Apr '19, 10:01

eddiebouncer's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Apr '19, 10:47

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question asked: 10 Apr '19, 10:01

question was seen: 1,433 times

last updated: 15 Apr '19, 10:47

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum