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I have a client who requires the use of an offline map in their app. I am writing it in Swift and xCode of IOS use and have a question as to the best solution to use to code it. I have been investigating various products but have become stuck with analysis paralysis.

Here is a brief rundown:

App needs a simple world map which will contain custom annotations at various locations. The app does not need anything fancy such as navigation or points of interest. I don’t need the app to zoom to extremely low levels either.

Question. I am thinking OpenStreetMap tiles rendered with MKTileOverlay would suffice but want to gather your thoughts??? An examples of how to do this?

asked 08 Apr '19, 11:09

CloudMapper's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Do you find any solution? Can you please share it with me?

(02 Mar '20, 09:25) Ilesh18

Dude, how did you instantaneously (within a minute of you topic creation) get 280 views?

(02 Mar '20, 09:28) kartman1

@kartman1: This question was posted almost a year ago.

(02 Mar '20, 19:21) alester

... and the way that you handle webviews on iOS has probably changed hugely in this time.

Thankfully I no longer have to fight with fruity software and hardware on a daily basis, but I work close enough with people who do to know that there are signiificant changes ongoing.

(02 Mar '20, 20:24) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 08 Apr '19, 11:09

question was seen: 1,139 times

last updated: 02 Mar '20, 20:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum