How can I add the village for an address? I did not found any tag for the "village" information. Should I complete only the "addr:full" tag ? Or should I use the "is_in" tag and specify as value the name of the village ? |
Addresses are provided by the addr tag. You can use addr:city to specify the city the address belongs to. When searching for an address, OSM's search function (currently provided by Nominatim) also considers nearby place tags to determine in which city, suburb and so on an address is. The is_in tag is usually only added to place tags and may support Nominatim and other search engines in their decisions. On the addr tag page there is also a tag called addr:hamlet but I don't know if Nominatim (or others) support it. A strange thing I noticed about Nominatim is that it often adds addresses belonging to a city to small villages instead that are much further away than the place node of the city. This seems like a bug to me. 1
Place tags can also be an area (relation or closed way) instead of a simple node. This is probably the best way to tag things (adding is_in or addr tags everywhere doesn't scale, and using a node is too approximate), although some tools might not take advantage of this (I do believe nominatim and mkgmap work correctly, at least).
(04 Aug '11, 12:21)
Vincent de P... ♦
Yes thats correct, but adding a (not too rough) area for a village isn't as simple as adding a single node. Most places are still mapped as nodes.
(04 Aug '11, 12:30)
scai ♦