I'm using JOSM v 14824 and open data v. 34911. For years, I've been able to use this combo (earlier versions) to open shapefiles (.shp) with absolutely no problems, including multipolygons, etc. The tags would show up as tags do on objects in JOSM. However, recently, I can open shapefiles, but there are absolutely no tags displayed in JOSM when I select an object in the shapefile: everything is tagged simply "0" (zero). Yes, I've updated my plugins, the versions (including dependency plugins, like log4j) are all current. Has anybody else seen this? Is it a known and/or reported bug? Thanks, Steve |
As of JOSM v 15155, this appears to be working again. |
Still occurring with JOSM upgrade to v. 14945. (OD 34911 didn't change but did participate in the plugins upgrade cycle at JOSM upgrade/relaunch).
You can create a JOSM ticket by using menu Help -> Report bug from within JOSM and attach your shapefile there.