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Hi, We are developing a mobile application and this is the first time we work with OSM. We want to offer OSM-based car routing in our app. The routing should also take into account live traffic information. Is there any service that offers this? Or if we want to do this ourselves, which data-providers could offer us the needed traffic data? Thank you for your help

asked 01 Apr '19, 14:56

DevApp's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

To answer the question in the title: Magic Earth uses live traffic in routing. at least shows traffic but I am not sure it uses it in routing.

For the second question: I think TomTom HD traffic can be used by third party apps. There is also Open Traffic. But I cannot tell of either how easy to use or reliable they are.

There may certainly be more.

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answered 01 Apr '19, 16:46

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 01 Apr '19, 16:46

Thank you very much, I will do some researches about all the solutions you've mentionned. Is it better for us to create our own map or to use existing OSM-based maps solutions that already exists?

(01 Apr '19, 16:54) DevApp

I'd suggest asking " Is it better for us to create our own map or to use existing OSM-based maps solutions that already exists?" in a separate question, but the answer depends very much on your resources and what you are trying to achieve.

(01 Apr '19, 17:01) SomeoneElse ♦

I'm not sure that TomTom allow you to use their traffic data in conjunction with a non-TomTom dataset (and, of course, even if they do, the process of matching it to OSM ways is not trivial).

(01 Apr '19, 17:11) Richard ♦

As far as I know Magic Earth used to integrate Tom Tom HD Traffic successfully.

(01 Apr '19, 20:26) TZorn

are those OSM-based maps like magic earth, allowed to be used by developers?

(02 Apr '19, 10:00) DevApp

Mapbox's Directions product is principally (though perhaps not universally) based on OSM data and uses live traffic data.

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answered 01 Apr '19, 17:10

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 01 Apr '19, 14:56

question was seen: 5,634 times

last updated: 02 Apr '19, 10:00

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum