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I'm trying to use HERE WeGo maps as a background to map in the under-construction north end of the Eastern Oklahoma County Turnpike. How do I use the custom background option to load HERE WeGo in the background? URL is,-97.18717,16,satellite

asked 27 Mar '19, 19:18

X99's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You don't. We do not have permission from Here Maps for use in OpenStreetMap. Please restrict usage of aerial imagery to those layers shown in the standard editors.

For new construction the best way to map things is to pay a visit and get some GPS traces: here's a write-up of an old example.

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answered 27 Mar '19, 21:03

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

When you sign up to OSM, you agree to the Contributor Terms, which say:

"Your contribution of data should not infringe the intellectual property rights of anyone else. If you contribute Contents, You are indicating that, as far as You know, You have the right to authorize OSMF to use and distribute those Contents under our current licence terms. If You do not have that right, You risk having Your contribution deleted"

Similarly, on the OSM copyright page (, you can read:

"OSM contributors are reminded never to add data from any copyrighted sources (e.g. Google Maps or printed maps) without explicit permission from the copyright holders."

In other words - don't use any source that you don't have explicit permission to use. You don't have explicit permission to use HereWeGo maps.

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answered 27 Mar '19, 22:28

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

About this topic, I was surprised to see this statement (translated from French) on HERE Map Creator:

Please check if one or more roads are missing nearby and if necessary add them in Map Creator. Use the satellite images available on Map Creator or **by comparing them with other mapping platforms: this check does not infringe any copyright**. If you identify a missing road, click on the Add button and add it to Map Creator. If, on the other hand, you think there is no new road to add, do nothing and close the map alert with the deletion. Thank you for your contribution!

Literally Here recommend copying and paste data from other mapping platforms! Has the situation changed since 2019 and OSM Contributors can do the same from Here to OSM?

Disclaimer: I would like to draw attention to the situation rather than anything else ;)

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answered 08 Oct '21, 08:46

Fabe56's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Oct '21, 09:58


Just because HERE encourages its users to copy information from other maps this doesn't automatically apply the other way around for OSM.

(08 Oct '21, 09:50) scai ♦

We agree and that's why I mention this, I may have missed a Here/OSM agreement...

(08 Oct '21, 10:06) Fabe56

Nope. No agreement and the Contributor Terms (para 3) wouldn't allow OSMF to sign one compatible with HERE's licensing, even if it wanted to.

(08 Oct '21, 10:41) Richard ♦

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question asked: 27 Mar '19, 19:18

question was seen: 4,329 times

last updated: 08 Oct '21, 10:41

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