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In a place I know, there is an abandoned factory. iD tags the site as man_made=works. Inside the site there are 2 buildings, which are tagged as building=industrial. Since the place is abandoned, I followed the guidelines in the wiki article and added the prefix abandoned: to the buildings. However, they don't render on the map. Since the buildings are there, how can I make them render but still use the prefix correctly? Thanks

asked 27 Mar '19, 09:01

jimcoun's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The abandoned: prefix only works for features that don't exist in their original state. Since the building still exists you should tag it as building=industrial. Instead, replace the man_made=works with abandoned:man_made=works on the landuse way.

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answered 27 Mar '19, 09:42

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

I tried to do this, but the area is not highlighted when the maps are rendered. One combination that works is man_made=works, abandoned:industrial=factory. Is this correct tagging?

(27 Mar '19, 13:13) jimcoun

Because typical renderers (or rather typical rendering stylesheets) don't support lifecycle prefixes, with few exceptions. However we are not tagging for the renderer. So make sure your tagging is correct and don't get distracted by a missing rendering. man_made=works is only correct if this production plant / factory is still in use.

(27 Mar '19, 13:17) scai ♦

I understand, however in this page, it doesn't mention that the factory must be operating. I feel that landuse=industrial, abandoned:industrial=factory, abandoned:man_made=works is correct. Sorry for possible mistakes, I am a very new user and I want to understand tagging correctly.

(27 Mar '19, 13:34) jimcoun

In my opinion, using man_made=works only in case of a factory being still in use is a somewhat implicit assumption, also originating from the lifecycle prefix tags. A closed shop also won't get tagged as shop=* but as disused:shop=* instead. I guess landuse=industrial, abandoned:industrial=factory, abandoned:man_made=works is a valid approach.

(27 Mar '19, 13:42) scai ♦

Thank you very much for the answers and explanations!

(27 Mar '19, 14:07) jimcoun

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question asked: 27 Mar '19, 09:01

question was seen: 1,524 times

last updated: 27 Mar '19, 14:07

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum