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I'm looking to add 3d building data within my local city.

  1. Is there a sandbox to quickly test out 3d structural tags & colour rendering? 3d viewers, such as F4Map, take a while to update which is not helpful when trying to learn.

  2. I want to see the resulting imagery on a web based viewer, so URLs of a location can easily be passed on to others. Reading the OSM 3d wiki, F4Map appears to be the most stable at the moment, but as with all wiki pages they soon go out of date. Are there any new similar services that aren't listed?

Cheers DaveF

asked 20 Mar '19, 14:25

DaveF's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

Testing tags

The Kendzi3D plugin for JOSM is probably the best tool for pre-viewing your 3d mapping.

OSM2World can also be used for this purpose, but is less convenient as it needs to be installed first (including a separately-downloaded texture pack) and lacks the editor integration, so you would need to save your map as an .osm file and open/refresh it in OSM2World.

Online viewers

F4 Map (wiki) is indeed a popular and high quality service. OSMBuildings (wiki) is also a very stable web-based viewer. Most of the others, such as OSM Go, are more experimental in comparison.

permanent link

answered 20 Mar '19, 16:32

Tordanik's gravatar image

accept rate: 35%

Thanks. I shall look into the JOSM plugin in more detail. initially I presumed it was a tool to just add tags, unaware that it renders.

I tried OSMBuildings but, it loads bit slower on my PC & renders even fewer ground cover items (grass etc) than F4 Map. I believe OSM Go is dormant.

(20 Mar '19, 17:19) DaveF

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question asked: 20 Mar '19, 14:25

question was seen: 2,052 times

last updated: 20 Mar '19, 17:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum