I am switching to OSM and will be hosting my own tile server. Some information about my tile server:
The last design decision I need to make is where I should set up my tile server:
There are advantages and disadvantages to both. What is the conventional wisdom on this? |
Pre-render your tiles on some cloud machine that you boot up just for the purpose, and then kill again. Transfer rendered tiles to your primary server and have them served by the local web server. This is provided you can do with something like weekly updates. I need the tile server to be up for real-time rendering as well, for the extreme case that a user needs to render tiles outside my pre-defined area.
(19 Mar '19, 23:13)
Does that mean you want to have a world-wide database ready? Or just "all of Ontario" or "all of Canada" or...?
(19 Mar '19, 23:58)
Frederik Ramm ♦
All of Ontario. I will be pre-rendering the southern part of Ontario (satisfies 99.9% of users). But some users may want to check out areas in Northern Ontario. I want the server to be ready to render those tiles if necessary.
(20 Mar '19, 00:09)
In that case, if your primary server has (or can be made to have) the necessary SSD capacity for the database and the other tasks running there do not compete too much with updates and pre-rendering, I'd install everything on one server for simplicity.
(20 Mar '19, 00:18)
Frederik Ramm ♦
Thank you for your advice
(20 Mar '19, 02:01)