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When creating a new building as 'building:service, power:substation, substation:minor_distribution' everything looks fine at first, you can edit and save it normally. After the usual refresh span it is shown in Mapnik, and everything looks fine.

But when again entering edit mode in the Mapnik web interface editor »iD«, at the place of this power station, nothing is visible there (exception: if you click 'edit' after visiting below example links, you have to unselect the pre-selected area first, to let it disappear), it looks like empty space, so the former created building is of course also not editable in »iD«, while anything around can be edited normally. (In other editor(s), at least in Josm, everything looks normal.)


Am I doing something wrong? If it is a bug also for others (please confirm/disconfirm for examples in comments?): Where do I report the bug?

asked 15 Mar '19, 11:43

Jaleks's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Mar '19, 11:10

When I go to the example areas and edit using iD, I see the substation building and am able to select it.

(15 Mar '19, 15:00) neuhausr

Even after de-selecting it, it does not disappear? Weird behavior here, then…thx so far

(15 Mar '19, 15:13) Jaleks

Hey @Jaleks - I haven't noticed any issue with adding substations. Just draw an area and pick the "Substation" type and those tags will appear in the raw tag editor.

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answered 15 Mar '19, 13:08

bhousel's gravatar image

accept rate: 38%

OK, I think my question is not clear enough, will edit…

(15 Mar '19, 13:17) Jaleks

Thanks @Jaleks - Also if you are sure it's a real bug, you can open an issue on and we will take a look.

(15 Mar '19, 13:27) bhousel

My bad: Had forgotten I once deactivated the 'Power Features' in 'Map data' → 'Map Features' because I thought it would get me rid of power lines only, not of everything with power…


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answered 17 Mar '19, 19:50

Jaleks's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Mar '19, 11:11

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question asked: 15 Mar '19, 11:43

question was seen: 2,009 times

last updated: 18 Mar '19, 11:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum