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Open Street Map is a great service which I've come to rely upon, hence my frustration today. I use it to select walks on public footpaths, daily. The map isn't downloading, more than half, and repeated page reloads and waits don't solve the situation. Is this a back end hardware or bandwidth issue? Is there anything users can do to help?

asked 03 Aug '11, 13:45

roo%20moncreiff's gravatar image

roo moncreiff
accept rate: 0%

"Is there anything users can do to help?"

Stop reloading the page repeatedly. ;)

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answered 03 Aug '11, 14:28

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%


Got it, thanks :-)

(03 Aug '11, 14:33) roo moncreiff

This is indeed not a very "constructive" answer. Maybe a thought on how the infrastructure could be improved or enabling donations for specific purpose (tile server power?) would have more value here - at least for me.

(14 Nov '11, 12:27) Kozuch

You can have a look at the general platform status here and on the server statistics for the mapnik server here. Currently there is indeed a problem indicated for the tile-server ("many tiles not loading").

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answered 03 Aug '11, 14:15

dieterdreist's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

Roger that, thanks :-)

(03 Aug '11, 19:10) roo moncreiff

You can also ease the pain by using standalone software (such as marble, but there are many) instead of the website. The proper cacheing alone makes things much faster (and lighter on the server), but there are other worthwile niceties.

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answered 03 Aug '11, 15:44

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

Very helpful - thanks v much :-)

(03 Aug '11, 19:10) roo moncreiff

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question asked: 03 Aug '11, 13:45

question was seen: 4,919 times

last updated: 14 Nov '11, 12:40

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum