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A search for my home address from the main window used to return an incorrect location in a neighboring township. I corrected the location by adding a point with an address tag containing house number field and an explicit city field. Now when I search for the address the map shows the correct location, but it still reports the wrong township. How can I correct this. (It reports Dexter Township rather than Lima Township.) How can I correct this?

My concern is in this area:

asked 08 Mar '19, 16:11

John%20Gourlay's gravatar image

John Gourlay
accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Mar '19, 10:01

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

The system that powers the search associates each address with a street, associates each street with a city and then pulls the city from the street (as I see you've speculated about when you added the address point).

I think there are some plans to also index addr:city from addresses.

I guess adding a named driveway that is in the correct township would get it to work. That sort of thing is sort of frowned on, fudging the data a bit for a particular piece of software.

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answered 08 Mar '19, 17:07

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

There are many streets that cross political boundaries. Does this answer imply that such streets must be broken into segments, one for each municipality?

(08 Mar '19, 22:53) John Gourlay

What about a street that follows the boundary between two municipalities? Houses on one side will belong to one city and houses on the other side will belong to the other city.

(08 Mar '19, 22:56) John Gourlay

I'm not exactly sure but I think it picks up the street being in two cities.

There's situations where it doesn't work out very well, for sure.

(09 Mar '19, 03:21) maxerickson

Nominatim does not solve the problem of streets that are on the boundary of two towns. Please note that Nominatim is not used in all OSM-based applications. Apps such as OsmAnd, Magic Earth, Mapfactor Navigator use their own algorithms to determine addresses.

(09 Mar '19, 06:48) escada

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question asked: 08 Mar '19, 16:11

question was seen: 1,688 times

last updated: 11 Mar '19, 10:01

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum