Where does gCarta / GeoFlyer 3D Maps have their DEM data from? On their website they only say highly-detailed 3D terrain, but not the source. I have asked them already, but didn’t get an answer. And there is no article or information about this nice to view (but difficult or complicated to use/move around) app in the OSM-Wiki. The map data is from OpenStreetMap.
Not sure if this is really related to OpenStreetMap but I found under https://geoflyer3dmaps.com/features/: "geoflyer reproduces the terrain in 3D with stunning details, using the best available digital elevation models from NASA, from various European mapping agencies (Europe), from USGS (US & Canada)." Ok, haven’t found that. Thought they might have acquired their data directly from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TerraSAR-X which has the best resolution of 1 m.
(07 Mar '19, 18:52)