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Some cafés or restaurants have a few branches. I'm not thinking of major franchises like Subway (for that, see this question) but of examples like The Barn in Berlin, a small coffee shop chain with 6 locations in town.

Currently when searching for The Barn in Nominatim, ony a couple results come up, and they're all named the same. This could hopefully be improved with better tagging of branches.

A good start is definitely to use the wikied branch tag with the name of the branch. For example:

name="The Barn" branch="Neukölln"

But other than this: are there other tags that could be used in combination to improve the tagging and interrelation of branches?

  • chain has only been used 40 times but might be useful to indicate that there are other branches of an amenity
  • Could there be a tag to specify that this is the chain's original location?
  • Other ideas?

asked 06 Mar '19, 13:46

robinmetral's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


This might be better suited for the forum or mailing lists. This site is meant more for question/answer posts, whereas the others are better for longer discussions.

(06 Mar '19, 16:53) alester

Well I was actually asking about any best practices, but it does seem like there aren't any. In that case it's indeed more of an open discussion question - I'll move it over to the forums :)

(06 Mar '19, 21:47) robinmetral

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question asked: 06 Mar '19, 13:46

question was seen: 804 times

last updated: 06 Mar '19, 21:47

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum