Hello, I am trying to use the OSM Watercolor (Stamen) basemap to create a travel route but it is not displayed correctly and some parts are grayed out. Does anyone know why? Thanks for your help, Quentin |
The tile Layer is provided by Stamen, its main webpage is: http://maps.stamen.com It appears two of the tile servers: stamen-tiles.b.ssl.fastly.net and stamen-tiles.c.ssl.fastly.net are not responding to requests while stamen-tiles.a.ssl.fastly.net does. That's why you see only every third tile loading. You should open a ticket at Stamen map's github for this. There is already a ticket open regarding a different problem with the a server which is working for me. |
Can you provide a few more details - like where (e.g. on which website) you are trying to do this?
Hello, I am trying to get the basemap from https://umap.openstreetmap.fr/fr and integrate it on my website, www.enselle.voyage, but on both it is not working
Tks for the help
I have the same issue. OSM Watercolor is not working, with tiles greyed out. To replicate the issue, simply create a new map in Umap and switch to OSM Watercolor. I am also using Umap. This problem persists across browsers.