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Hi, Can anyone help me with the following question? In OSM I want to see/filter on certain Tags only (ie. Tag = Horse). Now I see the all ways tagged as "Horse" and/or "Bicycle" etc.

Would be great to have some input on this. Maybe the topic is already raised but as far as I can see I only see information of how Tags are used etc. Not how to filter...

I need this info for navigation purpose on a Garmin device.


asked 27 Feb '19, 19:58

MijnNet99's gravatar image

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Do you want to filter what is in OSM to know how complete the map is for an area, or do you want to extract only specific ways to make a custom Garmin-format file?

(27 Feb '19, 21:48) InsertUser

Thanks for yr reply. Indeed, I only need it to extract specific ways to make a custom Garmin file.

(28 Feb '19, 12:14) MijnNet99

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question asked: 27 Feb '19, 19:58

question was seen: 2,170 times

last updated: 28 Feb '19, 12:14

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum