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Hi there,

currently I'm searching for 4 types of features along a certain path (e.g. a point every 20 meters on a given track). I want to query for location names (e.g. mountains, rivers, huts, cities) around these coordinates.

Currently my queries look like this:

 node(around:50,46.512,7.827) ["natural"];
 node(around:50,46.512,7.827) ["highway"];
 node(around:1500,46.512,7.827) ["place"];
 node(around:50,46.512,7.827) ["tourism"];

 node(around:50,46.512,7.827) ["natural"];
 node(around:50,46.512,7.827) ["highway"];
 node(around:1500,46.512,7.827) ["place"];
 node(around:50,46.512,7.827) ["tourism"];
out body;

The block inside (4 types) is repeated for each coordinate.

Because I'm querying several hundred coordinates for features at once: Is there a more efficient way doing this? Or can I combine all the queries around 50 meters for "natural", "highway" and "tourism"?

Thank you! Jens

asked 24 Feb '19, 20:35

Lukey78's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Feb '19, 20:40

(25 Feb '19, 16:30) ikonor

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question asked: 24 Feb '19, 20:35

question was seen: 4,330 times

last updated: 25 Feb '19, 16:30

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum