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I'd like to tag board game cafes.

I'd say there are two main types:

  1. it's primarily a board game cafe, which means customers usually pay by the hour. There are also drinks available.
  2. it's primarily a coffee shop/cafe, but has some board games freely available for use

For 1, I don't know what to tag at all, except shop: games if there are also games for sale. But this doesn't mean it's a board game cafe.

For 2, I'd tag it as amenity: cafe with all accompanying tags, but I'm not sure what to add to specify that board games are available. toys:board_games? But it's barely being used at all...

Any inputs?

asked 23 Feb '19, 22:28

robinmetral's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

We have two board game cafes in Nottingham. Both are tagged amenity=cafe, cafe=board_game, with no additional tags. See:

I would think for general cafes, pubs etc which may have a small selection of board_games, something like board_game=yes, or board_game=yes (a few behind the bar) would work too. If a place specialises in a particular board game then replace yes with the name of the game, or for very widely played games such as chess, backgammon and go, use the explicit game in the same way (although for chess the use of sport=chess is already widely used). Note that in the UK, playing backgammon for stakes in a public place requires that the bar has an appropriate gambling licence.

None of these tags are heavily used, but if one city with a 300k population has two there must be many more.

permanent link

answered 24 Feb '19, 17:50

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

edited 24 Feb '19, 18:20


All I needed to know, thanks @SK53! Let's all go and map board game cafes :)

(26 Feb '19, 12:46) robinmetral

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question asked: 23 Feb '19, 22:28

question was seen: 10,036 times

last updated: 10 Nov '21, 04:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum