Hi all, I'm looking to change the size of the popups in uMap. I want to include an image in the description of the popup, but I don't want to have to scroll to be able to see it in its full size (ie. with iframes). Is there any way to do this? Right now it seems the options are a tiny image or an image you have to scroll through. Thanks, Holly |
Hi! If you go to edit the popup, under Interaction Settings > Popup Shape there are options for popup (large) or side panel. Try them and see if it helps. Hi there, thanks for the suggestion! This improves matters but still doesn't quite do the job. I guess I'm wondering if there are any ways besides this that would do what I need.
(26 Feb '19, 22:50)
Maybe ask on https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/umap Sounds like it might be a feature request.
(27 Feb '19, 00:57)