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I've set up my own instance of Nominatim. Trying to to create a reverse geocoding query for the closest road/street to a coordinate but not sure how to. I've used the "around" query when using the OSM API but unable to do so on my own instance of Nominatim.

asked 22 Feb '19, 08:15

hellu's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Use /reverse which on our machine might be /nominatim/reverse or /nominatim/reverse.php and set the lat and lon parameters. Setting zoom to 16 will skip building and return streets.

permanent link

answered 22 Feb '19, 11:39

mtmail's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

will try that thank you!

(27 Feb '19, 03:02) hellu

a follow up, im only looking for highway of type 'roads' and 'link roads' but this returns me 'pedestrian'. can I specify highway type?

(27 Feb '19, 04:08) hellu

highway=roads "If you do know the road type, do not use this value, instead use one of the more specific highway=* values." Nominatim doesn't have tag filters in the reverse search. In the forwards search it would also only be able to filter one road type, not many.

(27 Feb '19, 10:51) mtmail

If you only care about specific highway tags, just filter out everything else before loading the data in to nominatim.

(27 Feb '19, 16:46) alester

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question asked: 22 Feb '19, 08:15

question was seen: 6,042 times

last updated: 27 Feb '19, 16:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum