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In french cities we have canisites: designated areas for dogs to relieve themselves, usually a small fenced area with a waste bag dispenser and a bin nearby.

I've been tagging these with leisure=dog_park and name=Canisite but I worry that I'm tagging for the renderer. Here is an example node.

What would be a more appropriate way to tag these?

asked 21 Feb '19, 19:14

codll's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There is a proposal for amenity=dog_toilet.

I don't like the mentioned amenity=waste_disposal, as for me that is only the box in which the waste is put.

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answered 22 Feb '19, 04:05

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

Thank you. I'm not sure I understand how to read a proposed feature page, it looks like voting ended eight months ago with a unanimous yes, but it's still marked as "voting", is it safe to use?

(22 Feb '19, 09:14) codll

What would be unsafe? We have a free tagging system, you can use any tag you want. Of course, it is better to have conventions, so people know what you are talking about.

The proposal/voting process is one way to introduce a tag. When you actually use the tag, you express your support for the tag. The more people that use this tag, the more likely data consumers will use it and not some variant.

(22 Feb '19, 10:54) escada

Fair enough, I will use the tag then. Thank you again

(22 Feb '19, 13:25) codll

After a little more research, I've found that a town in the south-west of France has been tagging them as amenity=waste_disposal and waste=dog_excrement, which sounds alright.

It works in my case, and I think in the common case, but not all canisites have a bin, some are just an area of sand and it's up to you to bring your own waste bags and find a bin. Those aren't really waste disposal.

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answered 21 Feb '19, 19:36

codll's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I have used leisure=dog_park for such areas in the past even though it's not a perfect fit. It's defined as "a park for dogs to exercise and (often) play off-leash in a controlled environment" with no mention of it being a place for them to relieve themselves. Of course, dogs will do this whenever they feel the need. I also noticed that other tags mentioned include excrement_bags and vending machines for them.

The other tag you're using, name=canasite, is not going to pass muster because it isn't a proper name of an individual dog_park. Canasite is the generic term for such places. Using the example in the Wiki, one would tag this park with leisure=dog_park, name=Julianapark. If the particular dog_park has a proper or official name, use that. Otherwise, don't tag it with a name.

The amenity=waste_disposal tag is also problematical, as it is meant for a tag for a medium-sized container or can (bigger than an amenity=waste_basket) into which you put waste. It is not used to describe a large area.



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answered 22 Feb '19, 00:32

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 21 Feb '19, 19:14

question was seen: 1,269 times

last updated: 22 Feb '19, 13:25

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