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A route relation with the subtype route=piste may contain points, ways, and areas [1]. When piste:type=downhill (i.e. alpine skiing), dowhill direction is important. For ways, downhill direction is simply the way direction. For areas, though, this is not clear. I did read everything on [2] and other places, but didn't find a clear indication on how dowhill direction should be implied when considering areas.

Some people use both an area and a way, similar to what is done with rivers [3]. However, I'd rather not do this, since I feel it would clutter up piste relations. But how the incline information may be deduced then? What is your take on this? Use both a way and an area for a large section of the piste, and add both objects in the piste relation?

Some people my suggest to avoid relations. I understand that the use of piste relations adds complexity, but in some situations may be useful--e.g. the same way or area is shared among multiple pistes. Besides, the issue of specifying downhill direction for areas is still there even when relations are not used.


asked 15 Feb '19, 05:50

solitone's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Feb '19, 22:10

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


The OSM Forum would probably be a better place to discuss this. This help site is meant more for question/answer posts, whereas the forum or mailing lists are better places to discuss things at length.

(15 Feb '19, 16:31) alester

Ok, I opened a new discussion in the Q&A section:

After some further reading and discussing with the creator of OpenSnowMap, my thoughts are clearer now, hence that post is different from this one.

(15 Feb '19, 18:09) solitone

The question has been closed for the following reason "more suited in the forum, has moved to there - see comments" by aseerel4c26 15 Feb '19, 20:50

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question asked: 15 Feb '19, 05:50

question was seen: 950 times

last updated: 15 Feb '19, 22:10

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum