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just wanted to ask, how to aligned roads in Greenland (City Nuuk) in Qinngorput Area.

I notice the problem when using bing aerial imagery and DigitalGlobe Premium imagery, and the DigitalGlobe Standart Imagery, and last Mapbox Satellite imagery, all of the roads are miss-aligned with the aerial imagery, how can we fix those?

asked 12 Feb '19, 18:29

Kristian%20Kuluk%20Frederiksen's gravatar image

Kristian Kul...
accept rate: 0%

Normally, GPS traces take precedence over imagery for alignment, especially in hilly/steep areas where the methods used to align imagery often don't work as well. While an individual GPS trace can be out significantly, multiple traces over multiple days usually average out to something pretty accurate.

The area you describe, actually shows fairly decent alignment to the publicly uploaded GPS traces, so I would suspect that most of the error here lies with the satellite overlays and not the OSM data. The Strava heatmap seems to agree with OSM too.

Most editors have an option to shift background imagery including iD, JOSM and Vespucci.

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answered 12 Feb '19, 20:33

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 12 Feb '19, 18:29

question was seen: 1,108 times

last updated: 12 Feb '19, 20:33

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