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For parks that have picnic tables and no physical footway visible ie sidewalks. Would creating a footway path connecting all sites and making a pathway to the parking lot be a viable solution. Also same would be a footway around a playground then to parking lot.

asked 09 Feb '19, 16:19

Everjams's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Feb '19, 16:21

I would not draw such virtual paths, as people can probably follow many different routes from the last visible path towards the table. Which one will you draw ? Any navigation app should either bring you to the nearest street or path near the picnic table or route you over the "grass" towards it.

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answered 10 Feb '19, 11:14

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

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question asked: 09 Feb '19, 16:19

question was seen: 1,485 times

last updated: 10 Feb '19, 11:14

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