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Hello everyone, i am trying to extract the map data coordinates with the osm data , i have successfully download the data from JOSM and using the MYGEODATA to convert the osm data to CSV file! The picture is as followedalt text

As you can see in the first two column have X&Y coordinate, and the following picture is the map data that i download, it is the Shanghai Yintao Golf Club.

alt text

I want to know that is there any possible way for me to have all those coordinates of the dots in the pictures 2, as i only have X Y coordinates for each area.

Thank you for reading my question and hope you all have a good day!


asked 08 Feb '19, 07:50

JohnLee65's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10 Feb '19, 14:47


It might help if you explain what you are attempting to do. To put it bluntly extracting OSM data via JOSM as a CSV is a very odd approach.

(08 Feb '19, 11:04) SK53 ♦

Hi SK53, thanks for your suggestion and i had edited the questions, please take a look and see whether you can know more about my question :)

(10 Feb '19, 14:48) JohnLee65

You still haven't said what goal you're trying to reach. What will you do with the CSV once you have it? It could be that there's a better approach.

(11 Feb '19, 16:50) alester

  1. Select the objects you are interested in.
  2. Copy them into the clipboard.
  3. Create a new layer.
  4. Paste at source position.
  5. Save the whole layer as OSM file.
  6. Download the msxsl.exe tool from Microsoft.
  7. Use msxsl.exe to extract the data you need from the OSM file.

You will have to create a XSL file about the data (= columns) you want msxsl.exe to extract. Example: Example of an xsl:stylesheet for msxsl.exe

permanent link

answered 13 Feb '19, 06:19

Hb-'s gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 08 Feb '19, 07:50

question was seen: 3,308 times

last updated: 13 Feb '19, 06:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum