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I am a web developer (not expert).

in registeration page of a website, i want to receive client's address from osm. ( like UBER that receive passenger address in app )

i mean put a marker on map and send latitude and longitude and zoom level.

can i do it with osm?

asked 05 Feb '19, 21:04

alireza%20gholamii's gravatar image

alireza ghol...
accept rate: 0%

edited 06 Feb '19, 03:04


It depends on what you mean by "receive client's address from osm". Do you mean picking an address on a map rendering using OSM data, selecting from a list of addresses generated from OSM data, or something else? "OSM" itself is just a big database of data and you can do many things with that data.

(05 Feb '19, 22:16) alester

like UBER that receive passenger address in app . i mean put a marker on map and send latitude and longitude and zoom level.

(06 Feb '19, 03:01) alireza ghol... may be a good starting point.

(11 Feb '19, 07:29) InsertUser

So when someone registers, they will type in their address, right ? Your server will then receive that address, store it in your database. Then you want to display a map with a marker for that address.

so you need

  • a web form and an underlying database
  • a geocoder, e.g.Nominatim which translates the address to lat/lon
  • and some display technology for the map and the marker. This can be achieved with Leaftlet or OpenLayers Javascript libraries.

I doubt that you can accomplish this all if you are not a programmer.

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answered 11 Feb '19, 04:15

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

edited 11 Feb '19, 15:24

If you want a business to show on map like this one and you want it to be found by a nominatum search you or somebody will have to map it correctly and add it to OSM. Read the Wiki info on adding a business. In edit mode you can look at the above and other businesses to learn what you need to do. Is this is what you are asking?

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answered 10 Feb '19, 21:39

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

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question asked: 05 Feb '19, 21:04

question was seen: 1,990 times

last updated: 11 Feb '19, 15:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum