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I am mapping a community in Peru, where addresses are listed by block letter and number (ie. Block A Lot 5). because OSM isn't designed to present this type of address, I thought the best option was to put this information in the buliding name space. However, I'm realizng it may make more sense to put block and lot information in the address number area. Is there a way to make bulk changes to adjust the addresses of all of the houses I've done so far in this area?

asked 31 Jan '19, 17:30

amitchell18's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


You should probably use separate tags for the two elements: addr:block perhaps and addr:housenumber (or conscription number if the lot numbering is assigned as each lot is created). If you are still not sure addr:full is always the best fallback.

(31 Jan '19, 19:30) SK53 ♦

If it is dozens or hundreds of addresses, JOSM should work fine. I would use the search to find the buildings you are interested in and then you can just rename the key. It should be possible to come up with a search that only matches the buildings with addresses in the name, something like building name:Block would match buildings with "Block" in the name field.

As SK53 mentions, better to use addr:full than to put data into a field where it doesn't quite fit.

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answered 01 Feb '19, 18:19

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

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question asked: 31 Jan '19, 17:30

question was seen: 1,761 times

last updated: 01 Feb '19, 18:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum