How to tag an Overtoom, a method to cross a dike or embankment, without the presence of a lock. the boat with a flat bottom is towed over a certain way paved with wood from one level to another waterlevel ? |
Just an idea, but would |
Any chance of a picture?
Dutch wikipedia has some pictures:
Rollers are used in Cambridge & Oxford to move punts & other small craft round locks. This one has been mapped as waterway=portage but without other details This looks like a reasonable generic tag, but I think the actual mechanism associated with a portage should be also tagged. Additionally portage may generally apply to places where small craft are physically carried around rapids or other hazards (although whitewater=portage_way, portage & portage=yes all have much more usage).
Wikipedia supports historical usage of portage in a more general sense (rather than current whitewater sports usage):
I've written this up on the wiki: