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Hi, I would like to add a map of Cuba on my Garmin Edge 520 PLus but I would not lose my cartography of North America. How do I make for that ? Thank you

asked 15 Jan '19, 23:42

allain117's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I do not have an Edge 520 but like many Garmins i think you can download OSM based maps for it. This site may be of help or use our to learn more and download a map file. If the Edge 520 as a micro SD slot you get a memory card and put your addition maps on that, this will avoid over writing your existing maps. I have used this process successfully with Vista HCX, Nuvi 1320, Oregon 450, Etrex 30 and the Etrex Touch, all except the old Vista allow you to enable/select which map to display. Searching these questions for garmin maps or img may be productive. Let us know if you have problems or are successful.

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answered 19 Jan '19, 10:10

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 19 Jan '19, 10:11

If the downloaded and unzipped file map.img is smaller than the spare space on the Edge, leaving some space for tracks waypoints, you could put the image file into the map folder in the units memory. I think using a separate micro SD is safer then messing with the devices memory, especially if you use a card reader/ writer and don't even connect the edge to the PC.

(19 Jan '19, 10:22) andy mackey

Thanks for your answer. I'll try and comme again with a feedback. :)

(19 Jan '19, 23:31) allain117

Here's a site that offers a Cuba download

(19 Jan '19, 23:36) andy mackey

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question asked: 15 Jan '19, 23:42

question was seen: 2,461 times

last updated: 19 Jan '19, 23:36

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