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Hello, I'll be using JOSM to add areas of interest to southern African countries (mainly DRC, Tanzania, Zambia, etc.). There are no satellite acquisition dates provided for the DigitalGlobe image layers in JOSM. Is there a way I can find out the acquisition date for a DigitalGlobe Premium Image area for a small neighorhood area, for example, Lilongwe in Malawi? Thanks.

asked 12 Jan '19, 08:19

spatially's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 14 Jan '19, 18:00

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Activate the DigitalGlobe Premium Imagery Vintage layer in the Imagery Preferences.

Then add the layer through the Imagery menu.

It's actually rather a raster layer, than merely asking JOSM to extract metadata from an imagery tile.

permanent link

answered 12 Jan '19, 09:09

AkuAnakTimur's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

edited 12 Jan '19, 09:14

Thanks for the info, but yes, I know how to look at the imagery tiles/tile info in JOSM. In the Imagery Preferences in JOSM, it shows:


But it doesn't provide the date that the satellite image was acquired and that is what I need. Digital Globe Premium image is acquired at different dates for different areas of interest. For example: the Digital Globe Premium image for London Mayfair area may have been acquired on Feb. 1, 2018, and for London Covent Garden may have been acquired on July 10, 2018, etc. It is these dates that I need to know.

(12 Jan '19, 18:35) spatially

The long URL that you've provided is actually the DigitalGlobe Premium Imagery layer itself.

I'm actually referring to another similarly named DG layer, probably sits below the actual imagery layer (DigitalGlobe Premium Imagery Vintage): see screenshot.

It should look something much like this when activated (YYYY-MM-DD is the acquisition date).

Screenshot of DigitalGlobe Premium Imagery Vintage

(13 Jan '19, 00:07) AkuAnakTimur

Thank you so much for the additional info and screenshots. That's really handy info. So for each Digital Globe layer, there is a corresponding "Vintage" layer that provides the acquisition date info?

(14 Jan '19, 01:04) spatially

@spatially: Correct. Ilya Zverev's website has those layers too, so check it out. Those vintage layers are only enabled from zoom 13 and inwards.

(14 Jan '19, 02:55) AkuAnakTimur

Thanks for your help :-)

(14 Jan '19, 03:07) spatially

@AkuAnakTimur:One more question about this - do any of those DigitalGlobe layers explain which DigitalGlobe satellite provided the image?

(14 Jan '19, 06:10) spatially

@spatially: I'm afraid that's not the case.

(15 Jan '19, 14:12) AkuAnakTimur
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question asked: 12 Jan '19, 08:19

question was seen: 2,461 times

last updated: 15 Jan '19, 14:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum