German translationThe German translation of Macedonia should be "Mazedonien" instead of "Ehemalige jugoslawische Republik Mazedonien" but the editing is blocked. Can anyone help? See: Wikipedia |
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German translationThe German translation of Macedonia should be "Mazedonien" instead of "Ehemalige jugoslawische Republik Mazedonien" but the editing is blocked. Can anyone help? See: Wikipedia |
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question asked: 09 Jan '19, 20:05
question was seen: 892 times
last updated: 09 Jan '19, 20:30
NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
Can you explain in what way editing is blocked? Is there some sort of technical issue here?
For info the changeset that made the change to the name that you say is wrong is . You can see all changes at .
I'd suggest asking the author of that changeset whether they discussed it more widely (e.g. among the German-speaking community, not just asked the DE foreign office). Their edit history suggests they're a Greek mapper from Thessaloniki and so may not be the most neutral on the "name" issue here :)