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I have included OSM in my application using leaflet. I have used it similar to how the code snippet is written on leaflet's home page Map is loading great.

My application has high request rate of around 40k requests per day. I want to know does the OSM put any restrictions on how much requests its server can receive. If I launch OSM maps for my application will it work fine given the requests the application will make to load OSM map tiles. If there are any issues in this way, then how can I use OSM for my application.

I don't want to run into an issue where maps fail to load in my application due to some sort of throttling or requests exceeding the threshold (not sure whether that can happen). That's why need to confirm on the same.

asked 07 Jan '19, 20:14

_Amit_'s gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

OSM's data is free for you to use, but OSM's tile servers are not. See this policy for details. If you want to render your own tiles, you can follow these instructions. Lots of companies also offer OSM-based tile layers; you might find it more cost effective to buy something from them.

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answered 07 Jan '19, 20:34

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 07 Jan '19, 20:14

question was seen: 2,593 times

last updated: 07 Jan '19, 20:34

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum