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Hi, I recognized a strange behavior regarding address lookup. The address "Rheinstraße 33, Munich" is available in OSM and correctly defined by a point. Unfortunately, searching for that address fails and returns available streets in different cities except of Munich, irrespective of the housenumber. What is wrong in the looking up for the address database?


asked 31 Jul '11, 16:34

Robiston's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 31 Jul '11, 18:22

This might be yet another case of Nominatim not updating with data from the main map database.

Nominatim has its own database, which is updated from the main OSM database. Sometimes, this update may lag - in that case Nominatim will search an older version of the OSM data, and may not find things that are visible on the slippy map and in the DB.

In this case, looking at the history shows that the house number for Rheinstraße 33 was only added on 26 Jul 2011. Searching for e.g. "Rheinstraße 27" works correctly, and this number as added in 2009. So maybe you just need to wait for the update.

Update: Now (March 2012) Nominatim correctly finds "Rheinstraße 33, Munich". So it was probably just an updating problem.

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answered 03 Aug '11, 23:31

sleske's gravatar image

accept rate: 24%

edited 14 Mar '12, 15:50

See this question. Quote: "This is probably not the correct place to report bugs in services. For errors in Nominatim (and most other Open Street Map software) you are best off using the Open Street Map bug tracker".

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answered 03 Aug '11, 22:36

mmehl's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Oh, this was obviously not really a bug report but a question about the updating procedure itself. I was wondering, what is influencing the lag between OSM update and Nominatim update. Anyway, the bug tracker is bookmarked for any potential upcoming bugs. Thank you!

(04 Aug '11, 10:31) Robiston

This seems to be similar to this question.

Currently there seems to be a problem with nominatim not importing updates for some weeks.

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answered 02 Aug '11, 16:13

dieterdreist's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

edited 02 Aug '11, 16:34

banoffee's gravatar image


I think you copy-pasted the wrong link... I've updated it to something appropriate with my newly-available "edit" link. Hope that's ok?

(02 Aug '11, 16:35) banoffee

It seems that you have entered that address in the search field of the main site of

The search engine behind that is called Nominatim. You can have a look at all related pages in the OSM wiki to find possible cases where search result is similar to your one.

Sometimes it seems that the Nominatim methods to find a place are a little bit weird. But then we can only collect test cases to find out where the error can be located.

So try to find more hints in the wiki, or here at by searchimg for text or tags "nominatim".

Or have a look at the detailed search result of Nominatim when you go to its website

PS: I assume that your address data is already present in the raw OSM data for a longer time, because you always have to pay attention of the date when the Nominatim search base has been generated from.

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answered 31 Jul '11, 19:28

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

edited 02 Aug '11, 15:56

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question asked: 31 Jul '11, 16:34

question was seen: 7,792 times

last updated: 14 Mar '12, 15:50

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum