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Every 2D map I've seen using OSM data displays buildings in one uniform color. Is there a map that displays buildings in different colors? For example, a map that displays houses in a different color from commercial, industrial and retail buildings? Thanks :)

asked 01 Jan '19, 12:35

chachafish's gravatar image

accept rate: 8%

I have to say that you've not exactly looked very far. The "humanitarian" layer on uses different tones for different types of buildings.

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answered 01 Jan '19, 14:36

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

Thank you, SimonPoole, but I think perhaps, you did not see the entire question?

Specifically, ”For example, a map that displays houses in a different color from commercial, industrial and retail buildings?"

Using the humanitarian layer, the retail buildings that house, “Williams and Graham” and “The Occidental” (link below) display in the same color as the buildings tagged as the houses next door.

Is there a map that uses OSM data that displays houses in a different color from commercial, industrial and retail buildings?

(01 Jan '19, 17:34) chachafish

That likely has more to do with the fact that building=retail seems to not that popular compared to say building=commercial and I would argue mainly misused, so likely it simply wasn't considered. Naturally if you want to have clearly different colors for each building type in the top 1 promille you need to have roughly 20 colors at your disposal so unlikely to happen with any kind of general purpose cartography.

(01 Jan '19, 18:50) SimonPoole ♦

I think you're correct that commercial is misused. To me, commercial would be more like office buildings or office parks. Retail would be more like shops that people off the street can enter and then depart with their purchases in bags. I was hoping for slightly different shades, darker/lighter of the same building color. It was worth asking. Thanks :)

(03 Jan '19, 22:37) chachafish

Simon: in my experience, building=retail isn't really misused. In fact, here in the Netherlands, I think this tag is likely more common than building=commercial, and used to mark buildings containing shops.

My own personal "ArcGIS Renderer for OpenStreetMap" actually makes a distinction for these types of buildings compared to "ordinary" buildings like houses, but I have given retail/commercial/supermarket/kiosk the same color, as they are close in meaning.

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answered 03 Jan '19, 18:35

mboeringa's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 03 Jan '19, 19:03

The misued bit was after looking at a couple of areas in which mixed residential / shop buildings are tagged as building=retail, not saying that is all over the place (not to mention naturally that NL doesn't count in any case for this specific aspect).

(03 Jan '19, 19:19) SimonPoole ♦

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question asked: 01 Jan '19, 12:35

question was seen: 3,794 times

last updated: 03 Jan '19, 22:37

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