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Hi there.
Recently, I bumped into a conundrum while mapping an avenue with two lanes that is intersected by a street.

Here's two examples.

1. Where does the street starts? As in the picture or on the far side of the avenue?
2. The street should be "interrupted"?

The question is: what should be mapped in the segment between avenue lanes? A piece of the avenue or a piece of the street?

alt text

alt text

asked 30 Dec '18, 19:36

AntMadeira's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 30 Dec '18, 19:40

There is no hard & fast answer, but in general I would treat the dual carriageway avenue as if it was a single street, so that whether coming from the left or the right routing instructions would tell you to turn into Seredo Braun. This means continuing the street across both carriageways of the avenue.

The alternatives are:

  • Map the crossing sections as un-named highways of the same class as the main road (as in your example)
  • Map the crossing sections as un-named highway links of the same class as the main road.

Both may be highly suitable in other situations: for instance when the road network was constructed de novo with a dual carriageway as the main road, or when junctions are more complex, or when the roads on either side of a crossing have different names; or when the linking sections have different speed limits from the side roads. The disadvantages of the latter two approaches are more obvious in two situations:

  • Routing : short un-named sections may make providing useful directions (especially for voice) rather harder.
  • Generalisation: if we want to combine the two carriageways into a single line for representation on a medium scale map or for simplified routing (eg. for distance matrices) there is no need to worry about how to handle the highways connecting across the carriageways.

I think that it is also worthwhile using the simplest approach which can be readily set-out for all mappers.

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answered 30 Dec '18, 22:13

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

Thank you for your answer, SK53.

This is indeed a difficult one. I understood your options and I was wondering what would be the consequences routing wise in both cases. In logical terms, is difficult to me to extend a street beyond the corner where it starts (example 1), but it's also strange to "cut" a street that traverses an avenue (example 2)

"I think that it is also worthwhile using the simplest approach which can be readily set-out for all mappers."

Can you please explain better what you mean with this?

(31 Dec '18, 00:23) AntMadeira

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question asked: 30 Dec '18, 19:36

question was seen: 5,154 times

last updated: 31 Dec '18, 00:23

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum