Hi I'm having trouble with routing machines routing to the wrong street because the house is closest to that street. I want it to route to the entrance to that house which is actually on a street a little further away. Do I simply add an Entrance/Exit node to the street where the entrance to the house is, tag that node with the same address as the house so both the house and the node have the same address. Is doubling up like that ok and will not confuse the routing machine? I'm assuming the routing machine will route to the entrance address and not the house address. And if I do it this way what "Type" should I use. There are many choices but only a half dozen explained in the wiki at https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:entrance house, home, residential, residence, building all seem to be good choices. Also I've looked at adding a relation but there doesn't seem to be an obvious "Role" for this type of thing. Thanks for your help |
Adding an entrance and a driveway/footpath will typically help, but you need to understand that the routing engines are independently developed and will do whatever they see fit with the OSM data. 1
Ok thanks. There is a driveway so I'll try that. Why is it that the routing engines route to the closest street even when the house is tagged with the other slighter further away street as its address?
(28 Dec '18, 15:25)
Typically that will be a design decision by the routing SW developer, very likely they will only be looking up the coordinates of the location in question and then routing to the nearest place to the centroid of the building or node that they can still route to.
(28 Dec '18, 15:53)
SimonPoole ♦
Ok so my driveways have been mapped and the routing machines don't use them. I tagged them as private because that's what they are, would that make a difference anyway? Does the rule of don't tag for the renderer apply for the router too. I have tried http://map.project-osrm.org and OsmAnd on Android. How am I supposed to get this routed properly? Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
(28 Dec '18, 22:12)
I suspect the access=private tag will cause many/most/all routers decide that it can't be used. Access=destination might make a router more likely to assume it can be used to reach the destination. Be advised that each router project grabs snapshots of the OSM data at intervals that they choose. So your mapping changes may not be picked up by your chosen router for quite some time (maybe months).
(28 Dec '18, 23:49)
Ok so the driveways have made a difference to the routing machines. In fact OsmAnd recognises and asks if you want to use the private road. In any case if the routing machine doesn't get you to the right street at least with the driveways in place it's pretty obvious to the user where to go if he/she looks at the map. Thanks heaps for your help
(16 Jan '19, 19:31)