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Hello, Our company wants to use offline version of OSM in a commercial software (internal group of users). We want to download offline map area of Kazakhstan territory and use it on our software. Unfortunately I ain't find appropriate information in FAQ. Is it possible to provide all details (source data files, license price etc.) ?

asked 24 Dec '18, 12:10

Kuanysh_dxc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Dec '18, 13:59

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

For a web based slippy map like the one that you see at, the instructions are essentially:

  1. With server online, follow these instructions.
  2. Take server offline.

I'm not sure about "use it in your software" though. What is your software expecting? Does it just want a background map, or does it want to use the OSM data for something else too? With regard to "licence price" see .

permanent link

answered 24 Dec '18, 12:42

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Let me briefly give details what do we want to see through OSM on our software, and what kind problem we faced: We want to project railways of our country, and appropriate railways elements kind of - stations depots etc. On this railway map (on a background) we are going to observe on-line motion of trains (it is our software side). But application server is not connected to the Internet, so we need to use OSM, and we decided to download offline OSM version.

(25 Dec '18, 05:26) Kuanysh_dxc

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question asked: 24 Dec '18, 12:10

question was seen: 3,272 times

last updated: 25 Dec '18, 05:26

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum