Hi all, I'm aware of the legality to use OSM in China (Thanks to those who contributed to https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_China and https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/29300/legality-status-of-mapping-activity-in-china). So if I understand it correctly, the current law prohibits unauthorised individuals to do mapping and surveying in China's territory. But would it be a problem if someone's gonna run a public event like mapathon in China to map for, say, a remote village in Africa, using existing aerial imagery? Because in China, event organiser/promoter sometimes need to submit relevant files to prove it's legit before running the event for local authorities' records. The regulations I found didn't explicitly forbid people to do it: http://en.pkulaw.cn/display.aspx?cgid=261284&lib=law http://en.nasg.gov.cn/article/Lawsandregulations/201312/20131200005471.shtml Anyone knows more info about this issue? Personally I thought it's weird that I didn't find any institutes doing similar events for educational/humanitarian purposes in China, so I wonder if there's something on the legal side. Thanks. |