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I am currently uploading what I know of the Val Grande National Park in Piemonte, Italy. There is a seldom used unmaintained trail (the 'Schluchtweg' as it's called in german) along the main canyon, which was a proper trail in old times, but has now fallen into disrepair. Nevertheless it's used sporadically and is passable, but it's about T5 in places. It's marked with stone men and tree incisions.

The park administration has set up signposts forbidding the passage and declining all responsibility for it's use. Nevertheless it's one of the few paths in the area which is displayed not only in the hiking maps, but even in larger-scale maps, probably because it was a main trail in the old times (pre-war) and noone has bothered taking it out.

I have reasonably precise GPS data for this trail which would enable me to map it to some precision. I wonder what OSM's position is on publishing data of forbidden paths? And, in case the policy is to publish such data, how would I tag the trail to reflect it's 'forbidden' status?

asked 30 Jul '11, 12:21

kfj's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If it is legally forbidden to use this path, you should use access=no on it. I would keep this path anyway, as it still exists according to your description (how else could you have a gps-track of it) and the information about it might still be useful in certain exceptional conditions.

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answered 30 Jul '11, 12:24

dieterdreist's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

To me this would depend on if it is illegal to use to the trail, or just inadvisable. If you can get charged for walking on the trail I would put the access=no, if they are just legally covering their butts so if you hurt yourself you can't sue, then mark it as the conditions merit.

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answered 04 Aug '11, 17:01

Sundance's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

If you feel like the path is best left unmapped you can opt to leave it out of the map. If it is unsafe for anyone to travel along and may be removed soon e.g. by a landslide, it is probably best to leave it unmapped. Note that anyone else might want to map the trail and if anyone stumbles upon the trail they do not know its status.

If you want to map it you can use access=no to indicate that no one is allowed to travel on the path.

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answered 30 Jul '11, 12:36

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%


of course you do not have to map anything, but he talks about a trail with a name, he says "it's used sporadically and is passable", and "I have reasonably precise GPS data for this trail which would enable me to map it to some precision.", so it really isn't a question about physical possibility but about "OSM's position ... on publishing data of forbidden paths".

Btw: There is no path in mountainous regions which is absolutely save to travel.

(30 Jul '11, 13:06) dieterdreist

Some walk to the South Pole or the length of the Amazon both probably forbidden.I would say if tags are honest and accurate put it on the map. It is one thing to be on a forbidden trail you don't want to be lost as well

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answered 30 Jul '11, 14:50

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 30 Jul '11, 16:26

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦

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question asked: 30 Jul '11, 12:21

question was seen: 6,618 times

last updated: 04 Aug '11, 17:01

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