I'm loading data into a Postgresql 9.5 over Ubuntu 16.04 but I having some issue with some pbf files, like "argentina-latest.osm.pbf" or "south-america-latest.osm.pbf", but no problem with "uruguay-latest.osm.pbf" or "venezuela-latest.osm.pbf" Server: 12GB RAM 16 cores I have tried with different values for -C osm2pgsql parameter but the result is always the same. Into line 4390 of /home/platform/src/SomeoneElse-style/style.lua file we can see: keyvalues["name"] = keyvalues["name"] .. " (" .. keyvalues["iata"] .. ")" May be invalid content of some pbf files ? How I can avoid the "contatenate nil value" in such setence ? osm2pgsql -d gis --create --slim -C 3500 --number-processes 12 -S ~/src/openstreetmap-carto-AJT/openstreetmap-carto.style --multi-geometry --tag-transform-script ~/src/SomeoneElse-style/style.lua ~/data/south-america-latest.osm.pbf but some minutes after: Using PBF parser. Processing: Node(10320k 94.7k/s) Way(0k 0.00k/s) Relation(0 0.00/s)node cache: stored: 10434925(100.00%), storage efficiency: 50.81% (dense blocks: 148, sparse nodes: 9661361), hit rate: -nan% Osm2pgsql failed due to ERROR: Failed to execute lua function for basic tag processing: /home/platform/src/SomeoneElse-style/style.lua:4390: attempt to concatenate field 'name' (a nil value) Could you give me any clue? Thanks, Alberto Butrico |
Unlikely to be a problem with the data, more likely to be a bug in the map style. Maybe it is assuming that all airports with iata codes have names and there is one in your data that does not?