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I am trying to use OSM data to create a network dataset in ArcGIS. I am able to load the file as a feature class in ArcGIS using the Load OSM File tool, but when I try to use the Create Network Dataset Tool I keep getting an error (shown below). Do I need to edit the data itself? If so how do I go about doing this for an OSM file?

Thanks for the ideas or help!

Populating Turn Features from OSM Relations
The row contains a bad value. [RestrictionType]
   at ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IFeature.Store()
   at ESRI.ArcGIS.OSM.GeoProcessing.NetworkTurns.CreateTurnFeature_NO(TurnFeatureClassWrapper turnFCW, OSMTurnInfo osmTurn)
   at ESRI.ArcGIS.OSM.GeoProcessing.NetworkTurns.PopulateTurnsFromRelations()
   at ESRI.ArcGIS.OSM.GeoProcessing.RunTaskManager.ExecuteTask(String messageName, Action task)
   at ESRI.ArcGIS.OSM.GeoProcessing.NetworkTurns.ExtractTurnRestrictions()
   at ESRI.ArcGIS.OSM.GeoProcessing.NetworkDataset.ExtractTurnRestrictions()
   at ESRI.ArcGIS.OSM.GeoProcessing.RunTaskManager.ExecuteTask(String messageName, Action task)
   at ESRI.ArcGIS.OSM.GeoProcessing.NetworkDataset.CreateNetworkDataset()
   at ESRI.ArcGIS.OSM.GeoProcessing.OSMGPCreateNetworkDataset.Execute(IArray paramvalues, ITrackCancel TrackCancel, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages message)
Failed to execute (OSMGPCreateNetworkDataset).
Failed at Mon Dec 10 22:24:01 2018 (Elapsed Time: 23 minutes 42 seconds)

asked 12 Dec '18, 18:29

girlfromdc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

What object is it getting stuck on? It looks like it's a turn restriction relation, but it would be helpful to see exactly how it's tagged in the OSM database.

(12 Dec '18, 22:52) alester

Thanks for responding. I don't know which object it is getting stuck on. Is there a way I could figure this out? There are about 32k entries in the attribute table so I can't look through it too much...

(13 Dec '18, 00:28) girlfromdc

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question asked: 12 Dec '18, 18:29

question was seen: 3,183 times

last updated: 13 Dec '18, 09:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum