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Does anyone know of any common OSM tagging for areas of coastline protected by riprap or rock armour? I can't find anything on the wiki (or I don't have the right synonym).

For now I have tagged the examples I ran across as:

barrier=wall + wall=seawall + area=yes + natural=rock


  • 'natural=rock' seems wrong for something clearly artificial and
  • 'barrier=wall + wall=seawall' seem a little misleading for something so unstructured.

asked 11 Dec '18, 18:49

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%


This object is of that type & tagged man_made=breakwater It might be a place to start

(12 Dec '18, 15:46) SK53 ♦

The structures protecting the nearby inlets are tagged as breakwaters but in this case the water is only one one side of the object, so I don't think it really counts as a breakwater as it doesn't provide any sheltered waters. Since I posted I have found (and added) something in the seamarks list, but it seems overly longwinded.

(12 Dec '18, 20:01) InsertUser

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question asked: 11 Dec '18, 18:49

question was seen: 838 times

last updated: 12 Dec '18, 20:01

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum