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How to change that?

Where can I find a style, is it cooked in the wireframe. Is there a style? How is this named, to use this tag in mappaintstyle to set color style and size.

I have yellow highway ways, then the crosshair in the middle of the way, between two nodes, it is not easy to see, for picking up this crosshair and making a node of it.

In preference, display setting, I could not find this crosshair.

screenshot with marking

asked 06 Dec '18, 13:14

Allroads's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

edited 07 Dec '18, 22:15

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Sorry, I do not understand "is it cooked in the wireframe" and "crosshair in the middle of the way". Please could you explain both? Possibly it may be useful if you would add (in additing) the question text in your native language (if it is not English).

(06 Dec '18, 20:12) aseerel4c26 ♦

"cooked in" "baked in" meaning it is a part of the program, the wireframepart, changeable?

(06 Dec '18, 20:45) Allroads

thanks, so you want to customize your own map paint style but cannot find a way to change the color of this crosshair? okay, thanks, clear now.

(07 Dec '18, 21:07) aseerel4c26 ♦

Yes, correct. I have a extended road style and I want to use a different crosshair only for highway and area:highway.

(07 Dec '18, 21:27) Allroads

Currently it is not possible to change the appearance of the crosshair with mapcss. The corresponding JOSM ticket is

What you can do:

  • In the advanced preferences search for "virtual", this will give you 3 results where you can change the appearance (size, snap-distance, distance).
  • In the color preferences change the color of "Node: standard". This will change the color of nodes as well as of the crosshairs. With mapcss you can override this setting for nodes. (The default internal style does this and your screenshot shows that too.)
permanent link

answered 08 Dec '18, 22:28

Klumbumbus's gravatar image

accept rate: 8%

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question asked: 06 Dec '18, 13:14

question was seen: 3,011 times

last updated: 08 Dec '18, 22:28

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum