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I recently added ward boundaries for the Manchester City Council district area to OSM, which were derived from OS Boundary-Line data (latest update October 2018).
I checked that the outer perimeter of all the ward boundaries is coincident with the overall district boundary for Manchester in the same dataset, and it is. However this current Ordnance Survey boundary seems to have numerous (small) discrepancies from the current OSM administrative (level 8) city boundary (relation 146656). This could be because:

  • The current OSM boundary is from a different source than the OS (in which case, which has precedence?)
  • The boundary has been legally changed since the OSM boundary was uploaded
  • Various boundary nodes have at some point been moved (accidentally or otherwise)

So does the latest OS data for such boundaries take precedence over existing OSM data? Would I be justified in creating new admin boundary relation(s) from the OS data, copying the tags, and deleting the current boundary relations? Alternatively if I leave everything as is, then according to the current OSM model there are small slivers of land dotted around Manchester which are apparently in Manchester but not in a Manchester ward, or vice versa - which seems rather unsatisfactory.

asked 05 Dec '18, 12:15

Libarch's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

In general such questions are not really a good fit for the help site because

  • these are issues that you need to discuss with at least the national OSM community (see talk-gb) and even better the local mappers.
  • a determination if the OS licence in question is compatible with the terms we require needs to be made (aka somebody has to do research on the matter)
  • and requires specialist knowledge (as to the quality and provenance of the OS data)
  • you should be at least consulting the import guidelines in any case.

What I can say is that you should, when reasonably possible, modify existing objects in OSM for updates and not delete them and create newly.

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answered 06 Dec '18, 09:05

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 06 Dec '18, 09:08

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question asked: 05 Dec '18, 12:15

question was seen: 1,677 times

last updated: 06 Dec '18, 09:08

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum