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Hi, I am creating a Scenario for Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe which requires me to plot towns on a plain heightmap.

The problem is is that on maps such as and the town maps overlay the topology meaning that if a town is over certain geological features, those features are now hidden so I need to use features that surround the town in order to accurately plot it.

Is there something that would allow me to alter a certain layer's transparency in order to create the scenario as accurately as possible?

asked 30 Nov '18, 14:36

BenDragon81037's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This sounds as if you are doing things the wrong way around.

You likely need to start with a DEM (digital elevation model) and then add whatever further info you need from OSM. Trying to extract the information out of one of the exiting map rendering would seemt to be fraught with issues.

For more information see for example and

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answered 30 Nov '18, 17:11

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

It's true that I have come extremely close to using DEMs, but that path also has its own set of issues; as I have never worked with them, and there seems to be nothing out there which is mainstream enough to support the native file types.

As for the image files which I can use with GIMP or, there's still the OSM data to obtain and extract it over the terrain via some program (Sure, direct greyscale DEM maps are nice, but it's not exactly clear to work with pixels which are nearly identical in shade).

I used the previous method due to its simplicity, but it's simply not good enough.

(30 Nov '18, 20:11) BenDragon81037

OSM doesn't have height information except for certain objects such as peaks. However for your scenario you will need an elevation profile. OpenTopoMap and OpenCycleMap do use a DEM which doesn't come from OSM but from a third-party source. OSM data is just rendered on top of it. You will have to do something similar.

(04 Dec '18, 08:53) scai ♦

It sounds like you want a way to get raster images or a pdf with just terrain contours for a certain town, and then another image that has the streets and buildings, without having to build your own tile server?

It may work to use "MyOSMatic" at

This site will allow you to make png or pdf files from a certain area in a number of different styles. Contour lines are available as a separate overlay, so you can select "empty baseman for overlay testing" as the stylesheet, and then "contour lines at 10m resolution" as an overlay, to get a map with just the contour lines for a certain area.

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answered 04 Dec '18, 00:29

Joseph%20E's gravatar image

Joseph E
accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 30 Nov '18, 14:36

question was seen: 2,189 times

last updated: 04 Dec '18, 08:53

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum