I would like to ask how can i open cgnet map files format in order to get the osm files using Windows OS and not WinCE. Regards
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I would like to ask how can i open cgnet map files format in order to get the osm files using Windows OS and not WinCE. Regards
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question asked: 27 Nov '18, 07:39
question was seen: 1,704 times
last updated: 28 Nov '18, 09:22
NOTICE: help.openstreetmap.org is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
Can you explain why you want to extract the data from these map files? It would likely be a lot easier to download the original OSM data from some other source.
Currently i am working in https://overpass-turbo.eu/ for Peloponnese (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peloponnese), but many amenities (osm data) are missing. Any idea where could i find osm data for Peloponnese? Ready files for download? If you could help me i would be delighted!
If you can't find your amenities with overpass then they probably don't exist in OSM or you are doing something wrong. Please provide more information. What are you searching for? What is you ultimate goal?
I am looking for example for fire_station, townhall, hospital, public buildings (in other words first aid assistance spots or POIs) and many data are missing from major cities in peloponnese. I can not even find the townhall of my town there. Additionally i have posted a question https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53514104/conjunction-attributes-in-overpass-turbo but still no reply
I can see various results for fire station, townhall and hospital. Did you expect more results? OSM is not complete. However you can use your knowledge about missing POIs and add them to OSM yourself.
That is the problem, osm is not complete here. If you know other sources of osm more complete as you just said i would be delighted to learn more about them.
Other sources of OSM? This is OSM. There is no other OSM. If you are trying to find alternative data sources then try asking at http://gis.stackexchange.com/.