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Hi, as part of my PhD I have to implement a route to an audio game. I have zero GIS knowledge. I want to read data from an offline .OSM file so that I can access the distance, directions and landmarks information from it to use in further tasks. I am using python.

PS: I have looked into a number of packages inclusing osmium, osrm, osmnx and pyroute :/

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 26 Nov '18, 15:02

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Nida Aziz
accept rate: 0%


Hi, welcome! I guess it would be beneficial for a possible answer if you could elaborate a bit on "access the distance, directions and landmarks information from it": what would be your input and the desired output? E.g. two coordinates and you want to get the distance of the fastest route by car?

Furthermore, what was not satisfying about the "packages" you have looked into?

(26 Nov '18, 19:02) aseerel4c26 ♦

Hi! thank you for responding!

My input would be a .osm file giving the route between any two points (or lat, lons), eg, at the moment I am taking the starting point to be my university and the endpoint to be the nearest train station giving me the "route" i can take from the university to the train station.

My desired output is ideally a .csv file with directions, amenity points and distances between them, from start to endpoint.

(27 Nov '18, 01:09) Nida Aziz

are you familiar with the work of Anita Graser on pedestrian routing using landmarks? see e.g. conference paper (PDF) or Slideshare presentation

Is it that kind of routing that you want to produce ?

(27 Nov '18, 04:19) escada

Thank you for responding. I looked at Anita Graser's work and it is partially what I want. She is calculating routes and giving track information which is what I want, but additionally i want the "amenity" information that openstreetmaps gives. I also want to be able to import the navigation information (track points -> eg, turn left after 200m onto Grover's road, etc) into my python code.

Im sorry if these are very basic questions, my background and work are both not in this field. My actual work starts after I have all these features.

(27 Nov '18, 11:49) Nida Aziz

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question asked: 26 Nov '18, 15:02

question was seen: 1,775 times

last updated: 27 Nov '18, 11:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum