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I use the Simplify Way tool constantly but I choose different settings for the parameter simplify-way.max-error depending on what I'm doing. For example, to simplify jagged PGS coastlines before re-aligning them I use a setting of between 60-80. When simplifying smaller scale shorelines or jagged river ways, I might use a setting of 10-20. Normally I use the default setting of 2 or 3. Each time I change that parameter I must enter the Preferences dialog, select the last icon, and then search for "simplify" and then click in the right-hand text box to insert the desired number.

Is there some way, some sort of script perhaps, to make this faster and easier, ideally without having to enter the Preferences dialog at all?

asked 19 Nov '18, 10:41

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

I currently have it set to 0.01 so I wonder if you use the Improve Way Accuracy mode (w) for such edits? With the tool, left clicks move existing points, control+click adds a point and alt+click deletes a point, so any spot where 80 would make sense for the way simplification is quick work anyway.

(20 Nov '18, 02:54) maxerickson


I'm talking about the Simplify Way tool, not the Improve Way Accuracy tool. I love that tool as well and since overcoming my first dislike of it, now use it constantly to align steams, riverbanks and coastlines. It has many parameters whose functions are totally unknown to me but that's another question.

After applying the Simplify Way tool to a section of jagged coastline I then align the remaining nodes, adding new ones where needed, with the Improve Way tool.

(20 Nov '18, 08:45) AlaskaDave

Likely that is possible with scripting, yes, but I did not find a pre-made script for settings changes. See and for the shortcuts: if you want to try yourself.

permanent link

answered 24 Nov '18, 11:57

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%


Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately, I don't program in Javascript. If there is nothing already written, perhaps I'll resort to using Autohotkey although even that method will probably be quite difficult.

(25 Nov '18, 00:17) AlaskaDave

I'm adding this comment to inform readers that this question and its answers became unnecessary a few months ago with the latest Simplify Way updates. Now, after pressing [Shift]Y in JOSM you can set the max_error to any value you like. Any time you change the value, the tool instantly tells you how many points would be deleted if you press OK.

It's a fantastic tool and this enhancement makes it even more valuable.

(22 Oct '20, 09:23) AlaskaDave

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question asked: 19 Nov '18, 10:41

question was seen: 1,972 times

last updated: 22 Oct '20, 09:23

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum