Hi, I'm trying to figure out the best tagging approach for areas such as where multiple footpaths meet, and around pools. Tag:area:highway=footway seems suitable, but Key:area:highway isn't an approved feature? I guessing highway=pedestrian is not appropriate because this isn't a case where the pavement is a wider street per the wording here: highway=footway Here's an example of area:highway usage.
This question is marked "community wiki".
Hi did you consider pedestrians as tag, take a look here https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway%3Dpedestrian and tag it accordingly. 5
For the examples given, highway=pedestrian would be completely wrong. That tag describes a pedestrianized-street, or in other words, a street that's primarily used by pedestrians but can also be used by authorized vehicles. The courtyard of a school or the area around a pool certainly do not fit this description. highway=footway+area=yes or area:highway=footway would be the best options.
(19 Nov '18, 22:46)
Being no "approved feature" is no reason to not use this tag. It may be useful to draw the main one-dimensional ways (with highway=path or highway=footway) tag in addition for backward-compatibility. |