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hey there,

ive noticed there are many vulcan bombers places within airports on the map within the uk however ive noticed that the southend on sea essex uk (southend airport) doesnt have vulcan xl426 placed on the map,

could you please add it on to the map :)

i have added a photo with her location in red :)

many thanks ben

alt text

asked 18 Nov '18, 12:22

ben%20fry's gravatar image

ben fry
accept rate: 0%

When I looked at this a while back (not just for Vulcans) "historic=aircraft" was the most common legitimate way to tag this sort of thing. There's a wiki page for it too. Unfortunately there's a fair bit of "tagging for the renderer" going on with static aircraft in the UK; e.g. there's at least one "imaginary fence" that has been used to define the outline.

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answered 19 Nov '18, 16:07

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

A good point, almost all of the Vulcans in the overpass link I posted are tagged with barrier=fence which seems incorrect, I've edited that comment to reflect. Also looking through, still see some aircraft tagged with building despite what's on the wiki.

(19 Nov '18, 16:20) neuhausr

Hi Ben Fry, since you made or created an account for OSM,the first step to become a mapper, you could start to ad the airplane by using a dot or node with the appropriate tags. Your first contribution. Ps welcome. Please read these pages

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answered 18 Nov '18, 23:11

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

If you need some guidance about tagging, here are a number of examples of other Avro Vulcans in OSM: Note that barrier=fence should NOT be used to make the aircraft outline render on a map.

(19 Nov '18, 15:40) neuhausr

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question asked: 18 Nov '18, 12:22

question was seen: 1,367 times

last updated: 19 Nov '18, 16:20

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